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Welcome to Forever Fresh - SA's No.1 Outdoor, Adventure and Hiking Meal of choice! | FREE Shipping on Orders over R1000!
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What is your favourite thing about being in the outdoors and what does it mean to you?

I love the simplicity and freedom that comes with it; exploring wonder-filled places with everything you need on your back. There is no pressure and no pretence. And nature is always full of surprises.

How did you first hear about or experience FOREVER FRESH?

I met Jason in 2019 during his thru-hike of the Rim of Africa where he first experimented with what would in due course become Forever Fresh.

If you could go anywhere in the world (without any limitations), where would you travel/explore?

Local is lekker! And I am on a quest to explore every inch of South Africa. Beyond the borders; southern and eastern Africa call to me, as well as the jungles of central and south America.

What does the world need more of?

I believe the world needs more wild spaces and wilderness areas, along with a greater understanding of why this is needed.

What is a saying, quote or mantra you live by?

Forwards forever, backwards never!

What has been your greatest adventure so far?

In 2013 I resigned from my job as a civil engineer and set off to walk the entire coastline of South Africa, solo.

I walked from the Orange River mouth on the Namibian border all the way around to the Mozambique border, covering over 3 500 km in just over eight months.

Six Million Steps, as the expedition was called, aimed to raise awareness around coastal conservation issues.

What do you hope to do more of this year?

Always more adventures! I am hiking guide, but I’m on the road towards being a wilderness trails guide, so I aim to do a lot more bushveld walking in big game areas.

What is the number 1 item on your bucket list?

To cruise the Okavango Delta on a mokoro and to witness the great migrations on the Masai Mara.

What does sustainability mean to you?

To me it means being aware of my impact and reducing it as much as possible. It is also however an understanding that it is a collective effort; so beyond personal impact it is about creating awareness in others as well. That is a big part of my work with school children during outdoor expeditions.