Welcome to Forever Fresh - SA's No.1 Outdoor, Adventure and Hiking Meal of choice! | FREE Shipping on Orders over R1000!
Welcome to Forever Fresh - SA's No.1 Outdoor, Adventure and Hiking Meal of choice! | FREE Shipping on Orders over R1000!
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Brand Ambassadors 

A group of explorers, skilled in a variety of fields from different walks of life, who showcase the thrill of what it means to be an adventurer - a community of awesome individuals helping us spread our message

Forever Fresh Foods



"I love the vastness. The grand-scale of the mountains, and the calming effect it has on me. It's the one place where feeling so small is liberating and indulgent. Hiking has strengthened my perseverance - and the reward... The glory of finishing, the immense sense of pride. Self-belief instinctively follows with a sense of accomplishment that is unmatched."

Forever Fresh Foods



"I have always been drawn to nature, compelled to explore, to know what is around each corner, above each waterfall, beyond each mountain. Being out in nature, away from the hustle of everyday life, provides a sense of peace and freedom that cannot be explained. There is nothing more humbling in this life than being alone in the wilderness, allowing all your senses to get lost in the sounds, smells and sights of relatively untouched areas. Nature is the best medicine."

Forever Fresh Foods



"I love the desolate places and wide-open spaces. High mountain peaks, deep ravines, balmy summer evenings and raging winter storms... let me have it all! My favourite things are waking up in the wilderness, standing on a new summit, and swimming in a cold mountain pool. Spending consecutive days in the wilderness gives up a unique opportunity - leaving the distractions and pressures of modern life at home and going back to a tribal and instinctual way of living. This is good for the spirit..."

Forever Fresh Foods



"Adventure is setting off into the unknown where things can go wrong, where you'll be stretched, it might get hard. However, in exchange for that risk, you are able to shed off every unessential burden to find a moment of rest, clarity and some awe inspiring, fully embodied joy. Into the wilderness we go...!"

Forever Fresh Foods



"I love the simplicity and freedom that comes with it being in nature; exploring wonder-filled places with everything you need on your back. There is no pressure and no pretence. And nature is always full of surprises. I believe the world needs more wild spaces and wilderness areas, along with a greater understanding of why this is needed"


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