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Reconnecting with Nature, what does it mean for YOU? | Forever Fresh Foods

Reconnecting with Nature, what does it mean for YOU?

The idea of climbing a mountain might be exactly what springs to mind if you are somebody like my husband, who loves nothing more than to take in the view from the top.

For me however connecting with Nature takes place at a much slower pace and one that everyone can take into their stride (pun intended here)

A chronic back pain condition has forced me to learn to slow down, to stop and reflect on what it means to be better in tune with Nature and be kind to myself and my body. Not all of us are meant to be conquering summits but all of us could find gentle ways to feel grounded and at one with our environment.

Here are a few suggestions on how to get that “Nature” feeling:

On a cool summer evening, a gentle walk on the beach and putting toes in that cold water is going to give you that “I am ALIVE!” feeling.

  • A yoga fan
  • Dancing in the garden (my family will attest to this… this is a pastime for me that keeps me not only grounded but keeps me sane – thought it might look totally the opposite to the rest of the family members!)

  • Lying on the grass in your garden while looking at the stars and taking in the scent of our earth

  • Instead of taking your lunch at your desk, what about taking it on a picnic and head out to your closest nature spot!

  • Enjoy reading? Take your book outside and enjoy the book as well as the sounds of Nature all around you.

  • Create a peaceful space in your garden to replenish your energy – a few pots, a quiet corner, a bird feeder. Sit there daily for 15 minutes to lower your stress and get that much needed Vit D whenever possible. Your body and mind will thank you for taking this time!

  • Sit outside, close your eyes and do some deep breathing exercises – be quiet and be amazed at the amount of sounds you can now “feel”

When the world goes mad around you, when the future seems uncertain and fills us with anxiety, finding that grounding in nature even if for only a few minutes per day can make all the difference. Leave a comment below about how you have been gently reconnecting with nature, I would love to hear about it.

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